You consumed my dreams last night
Although it was a creation of my own subconscious I know that it was so bright because you were there
Not because I imagined it to be
The purest of joys for an extended moment
As your blonde hair rested on my shoulder in my self created dream state fantasy
I wish that as I woke that those strands would be waiting for me in my sheets, in my shower, and happily intertwined with my fresh laundry
But that can’t be the case
And that’s ok
Even if it isn’t a pill I’m wanting to accept
In that brief time your soft smile
Inviting eyes
And warm heart were enough to sustain my dreary days for just a bit more
As I rose for another morning I can’t forget that you’re thousands of miles away
Another sweet soul
Slipping from my grasp as life plucks me and tosses me elsewhere
But I’ll take these dreams
And over again
To play the what ifs
The what ifs that’ll never be
My Sisyphean Journey is both photography and written works by an active duty Marine. You can follow him here.
What’s happening at VetRep…
Listen to the Savage Wonder Podcast, where we interview incredibly talented musicians, artists, writers, and theater professionals, who also happen to be veterans.
Our Acting for Beginners class is now being offered weekly every Saturday from 10am-12pm. Scholarships for qualifying veterans, as well as multi-class passes are available. Registration details can be found here.