We’re wrapping up The Savage Wonder Festival this evening, after an incredible weekend of performance and art. You can come see us today in Beacon from 12pm-6pm, and enjoy the abstract artwork of Navy veteran Angelo T. Robinson, the ceramics and live wheel throwing from Army veteran Delvin Goode, abstract and mixed-media sculptures from Gina Herrera (a 25-year veteran of the Navy, Army, and Air Force), paintings from Navy veteran Kat Furrow and Army veteran Lani Hankins, sculptures from local Beaconite Matt Kinney, and photography from Michael Isabell displayed in our vault. You can read the bios of all our artists here.
We will have one final performance this evening at 5pm, hosted by VetRep’s Events Manager, Phoebe Leona, who will close out the festival with music, dance, and wonder.
We would like to thank Arts-Mid Hudson for awarding VetRep the Dutchess Programmatic grant in support of the Savage Wonder Festival. This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.
We would also like to thank the following local businesses for donating and participating in the Scavenge Wonder Hunt!
We hope you’re enjoying the festival and the work our artists have been able to bring to you, We truly could not do it without you! Veterans Repertory is a 501(c)(3) and operates on donations from people like you who support bringing veteran artists of all kinds to the stage. If you would like to get behind the work, please follow the link below!