The answer has always been love.
Despite the lengths to prove otherwise.
It was always there,
It will always be there,
And deep down we know it.
It is the answer to war,
Even the most essential question of all,
Why are we here?
The answer is love.
Toil and struggle with the thought,
Argue and deny the notion,
But in the end,
No matter what the objection,
Love is the answer.
And questions that are not answered by love
Army combat veteran Christopher Soucy is an actor, puppeteer, director, screenwriter, and playwright living in Savannah, Georgia. He has been writing for stage and screen for over 20 years.
Listen to our podcast with Chris here.
Chris tweets here.
Follow Chris here.
What’s happening at VetRep…
Catch our interview with Ben Cantwell on the Savage Wonder Podcast this week.
Registration is live for classes! We are offering Acting for Beginners, in person at our Quaker Ave. location, and Playwriting for Beginners online. Find more details and register here.
Big Thanks to all of you for getting us to the next round in the Best of Hudson Valley Readers Poll!! The next round kicks off March 9th.
Beautifully written. Love is the simplicity of life.