Someone said glimmers are little memories or moments that make you feel calm
make you feel connection
though for me, connection has become a dirty word
or maybe it was peace they meant, if that’s something you’re capable of
or glimpses of happiness you have or had or could have?
I don’t know..
Because I just ignore them
neither of us in a position to reach
not wanting to consider how the bloom cut the blade
how the water would have smoothed the stone
but you live there
in a glimmer burrowed into the cerebral tissue of the past
hardwired into something that might have been want
curiosity knocks ever so slightly on a closed door
despite protests and common sense
I did, I know I did
I felt something I couldn’t name and even if I don’t feel it anymore
something stays, welcome worn
nagging, dreaming, sweltering
woven into this idea of saving someone
living a life they didn’t ask for
The Blood and the Bones is the pseudonym for a former lover of a US servicemember. Follow her here.
What’s happening at VetRep…
Listen to our latest episode with Lois Hicks-Wozniak on the Savage Wonder Podcast, where we interview incredibly talented musicians, artists, writers, and theater professionals, who also happen to be veterans.
Join us every Saturday through June for Gnit, by Will Eno, a cautionary tale about, among other things, how the opposite of love is laziness. Gnit is a faithful, unfaithful, and willfully American reading of Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, a 19th century Norwegian play famous for all the wrong reasons. Settle in with a delicious mocktail and dessert, and be sure to get your tickets early or they might just sell out.